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Political Machine 2012 Released

This one sort of sneaked past me.  Seems Stardock's US presidential election simulator The Political Machine has been released!  I haven't played this game since the 2004 version was released...or was it 2000?  Regardless, I do recall enjoying my experience with that title since it did seem to capture the essence of a modern political campaign, dirty tricks and all!  Unfortunately, I never did devote as much time to it as I should have.  Why?  Well, because I am a political junkie.  Sounds counter-intuitive, I know, but here is the thing:  when you are an avid watcher of politics like I am, the last thing you want to do after slaving over a hot political stove all day is sit down and game politics!  I guess it is sort of like a football player leaving the grid iron after a long, tough game and then sitting down in front of their Xbox to get in some time with Madden NFL.  I need a break!  

Anyway, the game is only $10 on Steam, so there is little risk if you take the plunge.  Here's the official pitch:

Do you have what it takes to be president?

Play as Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich or create your own candidate from scratch. 

Take to the campaign trail against a computer controlled opponent or a human challenger over the Internet. 

THE GOAL: Win the hearts and minds of America’s voters to achieve victory in the 2012 presidential election. 

The Political Machine 2012 features updated political topics from across the United States. Issues such as Afghanistan, the economy, Obamacare, income inequality, gay rights, and the national debt have been integrated into the game’s election database. Regional issues such as “right to work”, state minimum wage, local environmental policies, farm subsidies and more require the candidate to walk a tight rope between appealing to the widest range of voters and appearing to “flip flop”.

And the trailer:

I wonder if David Axelrod is using this to plan his doomed strategy to get Obama re-elected?


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